Investment Advisory

Businessman hand working with new modern computer and business strategy as concept

For many years, our company has provided various support for planning and executing the measures when Japanese companies move into overseas markets.


Taking advantage of OneSource Japan Corporation, one of the world's largest database company's subsidiary in Japan as our group company, we support cross-border transactions of Japanese companies such as M&A, JV, and strategic alliance etc. with senior professionals who have many years of experience. We support cross-border transactions of Japanese companies such as M&A, JV, and strategic alliance etc with senior professionals who have many years of experience in investment in all over the world.



Support from planning to execution of cross-border transactions

Our strength is to support from planning to execution of cross-border transactions. There are various stages when considering overseas expansion, but at every stage, we support from planning to execution. In addition, our unique hands-on service can provide not only advice but also on-site support by staffing. We always think locally and act globally.


Stage 1 : Strategy Planning and Market Research

  • To do macro market research for multiple countries, multiple industries thoroughly
  • To develop strategies for customers to enter the market
  • To analyze and survey the macro and micro of the target countries for entry, competition and regulatory situation

Stage 2 : Partnering / investment / acquisition candidate selection

  • To Find the Best Partner for entry
  • To create a long list and narrow down the candidates with the customer
  • To conduct a credit survey before we approach targeted company

Stage 3 : Investment Advisory

  • To provide professional advice until the investment is made
  • To support negotiations, term sheet discussions, due diligence, valuation, contract negotiations and execution, etc. 
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Stage 4 : Post-Investment Integration Process (PMI)

  • To support planning of post merger integration (PMI) to actual on-site execution support
  • To provide on-site support by staffing

If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact us.
