Investment Advisory

Businessman hand working with new modern computer and business strategy as concept

Over the years, we have provided a variety of assistance to Japanese companies expanding overseas, both in the planning and execution of their policies.


Taking advantage of the fact that OneSource Japan, one of the world's largest database companies, is a member of our group, we support cross-border transactions of Japanese companies with our senior staff who have many years of experience in investment practice.

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From planning to execution of cross-border transactions

There are various stages when considering overseas expansion, and we provide support from planning to execution at all stages.

We can also provide onsite support by dispatching personnel as well as advice, so you can utilize our services according to your needs.


Stage 1 : Strategic planning and market research

In-depth research in multiple countries and multiple industries

We provide strategic planning for clients to enter the market, as well as analysis and research on macro and micro aspects, competition, and regulatory conditions in the target countries.


Stage 2 : Selection of potential alliances/investments/acquisitions

Finding the best partners for advancement

We create a long list and work with our clients to narrow down the list of potential candidates. We also conduct credit checks before approaching individual companies.


Stage 3 : Investment Advisory

Expert advice until the investment is executed

Our support services include approaching potential candidates, negotiations, term sheet execution, due diligence, valuation, contract negotiations, and closing.

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Stage 4 : Post-investment integration process (PMI)

Extensive support for the most important post-investment period

We provide human resources support to increase the value of investee companies, from the formulation of PMI (Post Merger Integration) plans to actual on-site implementation support.

Leave your investment advisory to Opti, with its extensive experience!

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