オプティ株式会社 経営メンバー
Aki Fuchigami
After studying at a US university, he managed European sales subsidiaries of a major semiconductor manufacturing company and structured and sold financial products at an overseas financial institution. In 2010, he spun out with his colleague Willem and founded Opti Corporation on November 11, 2010.
He has worked for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and other organizations, providing consulting services on European VAT and writing tax articles.
In 2012, he acquired the primary distributor rights in Japan for "OneSource" (currently D&B Hoovers), a corporate database developed by Avention Inc. of the U.S. On January 10, 2013, he established OneSource Japan Inc. as a group company. In 2016, he was appointed as Japan Country Manager of Tax Back International, Inc. He has experience in exiting several companies.
Masaru Aoki
Willem Schuette
- 創業時よりクロスボーダービジネスに精通した淵上により創業。
- 創業後、越境ECの税務を中心に14年の実績。
- 中小企業から大手企業まで幅広く対応。
- もともと独立系であるため、世界中の様々な税務ファームやタックステックと関係が深い。
- OneSource(現D&B Hoovers)の国内販売などグロース経験あり。
- 現在も企業価値向上のため、MyOptiでの新規開発とネットワークに注力。